The « Yoni egg » is a small stone egg that a woman inserts into her vagina – her Yoni, in Sanskrit – for healing purposes. It is an ancestral and millennial practice, widespread in particular in China and India, where women yogis and shamans use it for its powerful holistic effects acting on both the body and the mind.

The Yoni egg has nothing to do with “geisha balls” or any other fun accessory intended to titillate woman’s libido. Its efficiency range is much more powerful, since it uses the virtues of lithotherapy (healthcare using the energies of stones): rose quartz, jade, amethyst, crystal, tourmaline, aventurine, lapis lazuli, each stone has its own virtues and energy, capable of acting powerfully and dealing with feminine troubles well beyond the playful dimension.
The Yoni egg is therefore a real treatment tool contributing to the resolution of many disorders. This is why we happily use it as part of our holistic sensual awakening therapy, particularly during our Ibiza sessions.
We use two types of stones for their specific virtues:
– black tourmaline, which wards off negative energies, purifies and helps restore self-confidence.
– rose quartz, more specifically dedicated to sentimental, sensual and sexual disorders.

Process of a Yoni egg treatment session

Comfortably lying on a sofa, alone, calm and in peace with herself, the woman grabs the Yoni egg, holds it in her hand, presses it to her heart and formulates out loud her intentions – the troubles she feels and other problems which handicap her and leads her to consult — in order to “program” the egg.
Then, still alone and in complete privacy, she inserts the previously lubricated egg.
The therapist can now enter to join her, and starts discussing with her the intentions she has formulated, and what she wishes to work on and cure. Then, after using aventurine stones to test her chakras energies and diagnose the state of them, he leads her into a process of deep relaxation allowing him to deliver sophrological suggestions and light hypnosis inductions intended to gather all her bad energies, her fears, her resistances and blockages, and to make them « descend », transfer and concentrate inside the egg, in harmony with chakra’s energies.
The process may seem somewhat magical, but it is not: the combination of the effects of lithotherapy, suggestions and inductions, and chakra’s work, produces immediate results, and the woman feels a feeling of liberation and deep well-being as soon as the session ends. The egg is now charged of all the troubles which were transfered in and can then be privately expelled and cleansed in a strict and careful ritual process.
Applications range:
- Empty negative energy
- Cure depressive symptom
- Gain in confidence
- Enhance your sensuality
- Release past traumas
- Forget toxic past relationship
- Work on your sacred feminity
And every psychosomatic feminine trouble you need to work on and solve!
Interested by a Yoni egg session in Ibiza?
Please, take an appointment with Olivier and Lorena, French Eveil sensuel therapists installed in Ibiza.
Average duration of a session : 1 hour.
Price : 60€.
Language speaking : English, Spanish & French
Contact Olivier & Lorena:
Phone/WhattsApp: +33 695 93 63 10
One of the most original workshop in Ibiza! Tried it once , and went back 2 times for new sessions with oliver. Incredibly relaxing and mental cleanning process , can become a drug😛
Parmi tous les workshops holistiques disponibles à Ibiza (où j’étais en vacances), j’ai essayé celui-ci et franchement j’ai été bluffée ! J’avais entendu parler des yoni eggs et ma foi je me suis dit que c’était l’occasion d’essayer ce workshop, histoire aussi de voir si ça pouvait m’aider à régler un petit souci personnel. Sans entrer dans les détails je dois dire que j’ai été sidérée des résultats ! Merci aux thérapeutes qui m’ont bien mise en confiance et avec qui tout s’est passé dans la douceur et la gentillesse. Je conseille !!
incredible effects! thanks Oliver and Eliza for their kindness and respect. see u soon for new session, sure!!
Testé avec Olivier à Perpignan sur le conseil d’une amie. Etonnante expérience de relaxation où on a l’impression que nos soucis se vident dans l’oeuf! je m’en suis acheté un depuis pour pratiquer seule par autosuggestions, moins intense mais l’effet relax et apaisant est là. Ravie de cette découverte!